The ACP regular membership is open to all members of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena de who are leading their own research group in the field of optics and photonics and are regularly engaged in teaching in the Abbe School of Photonics.
Prof. Dr. Michael BAUER
- In vivo fluorescence microscopy
- Hepatic function monitoring by dye exclusion
- In situ assessment of stellate cell composition
Prof. Dr. Christoph BISKUP
- Quantitative multidimensional fluorescence microscopy (mwFLIM, FRET, confocal patch clamp fluorometry)
- Synthesis and characterization of indicators and nanosensors for ions and biomolecules
- Structural and functional relationships of ion channels
Prof. Dr. Vladan BLAHNIK
- Design and correction of optical systems
- Concept and system engineering for optical layouts
- Physical-optical simulation
Prof. Dr. Thomas BOCKLITZ
- Machine learning for photonic image data
- Chemometrics for spectral data
- Correlation of different measurement methods and data fusion
Prof. Dr. Michael BÖRSCH
- Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy
- Nanomanipulation of biological protein machines with optical feedback
- Optical super-resolution microscopy
Prof. Dr. Axel BRAKHAGE
Microbiology & Molecular Biology
- Pathobiology of Aspergillus fumigatus
- Microbial communication and activation of silent gene clusters of the fungal secondary metabolism
- Eukaryotic transcription factors
Prof. Dr. Delia BRAUER
Structure-Property Relationships in Glasses
- Structure-property relationship in silicate and phosphate glasses
- Fluoride-containing glasses and glass-ceramics for applications in optics and photonics
- Improving the hydrolytic stability of phosphate glasses
Jun. Prof. Dr. Mario CHEMNITZ
- Optical system automation and machine learning
- Nonlinear fiber optics
- Adaptive fiber systems
- Ultrashort pulses in fiber laser sources
- Advancement of optical fiber materials, structures and nonlinearities
- Fiber applications for biophotonics
Prof. Dr. Volker DECKERT
- Tip-enhanced Raman scattering (TERS)
- Label-free single molecule spectroscopy
- Membranes and membrane proteins
Prof. Dr. Benjamin DIETZEK-IVANŠIC
- Spatial and temporal resolved nanospectroscopy
- Light-induced transfers in artificial molecules
- Microspectroscopy of bio-molecular systems
Stimuli-Responsive Inorganic/Hybrid Materials
- Nuclear quantum effects in electronic structure calculations
- Anharmonic effects
- Material properties based on statistical approaches
Prof. Dr. Christian EGGELING
- Advanced microscopy for the investigation of molecular organization and dynamics in cells
- Superresolution STED microscopy
- Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy
- Fundamental optical properties of 2D-Materials
- Integration of 2D-Materials in optical systems and components
- Application of 2D materials for light sources and imaging systems
Jun. Prof. Dr. Christian FRANKE
Digitized Experimental Microscopy
- Super-resolution microscopy
- Single-molecule localization and random structured illumination microscopy
- 3D stereophotogrammetry
Prof. Dr. Torsten FRITZ
Organic Thin Films & Surface Science
- Structure-property relations in organic molecules and thin films
- Optical in situ spectroscopy of ultrathin films
- Electronic and optical properties of 2D materials
Prof. Dr. Stephan FRITZSCHE
- Multi-photon ionization dynamics in intense FEL radiation
- Light-matter interactions in strong Coulomb fields
- Particle beams carrying quantized orbital angular momentum
apl. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang FRITZSCHE
- Molecular Plasmonics
- Plasmonic Sensing
- Micro-Nano-Integration
Prof. Dr. Martin GÄRTTNER
Quantum information and quantum many-body theory
- Quantum simulation
- Entanglement detection
- Quantum state tomography
Prof. Dr. Holger GIES
- Light propagation in modified quantum vacua
- Fundamental physics at the intensity frontier
- Quantum optical analogues of field theory phenomena
Prof. Dr. Stefanie GRÄFE
- Strong-field molecular physics and chemistry
- Electronic and spectroscopic properties of molecular systems
- Theoretical methods in Femtosecond Chemistry and Attosecond Physics
Prof. Dr. Stefan HEINEMANN
- Photonic regulation of membrane potential and optogenetics
- Single-cell sensors for phototoxicity
- Optical monitoring of cellular function
Prof. Dr. Rainer HEINTZMANN
- Multidimensional imaging in biological systems
- Structured illumination microscopy
- Fluorescence microscopy in living cells
PD Dr. habil. Jer-Shing HUANG
- Surface plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy
- Plasmonic photovoltaics
- Optical nanocircuits and smart analytical platforms
Prof. Dr. Malte KALUZA
- Generation of petawatt laser sources
- Laser-driven particle acceleration
- Relativistic laser-plasma interactions
- Plasma based X-ray sources
- Nonlinear optics on the nanoscale
- Ultrabroad spectral continuum generation
Prof. Dr. Erika KOTHE
- Microimaging of fungal cells
- Visualization of molecular interactions
- Detection of communication molecules
Prof. Dr. Heidemarie KRÜGER
- Cryogenic single photon detectors
- Impedance biochips
- Magnetooptics and electrooptics
Dr. Matthias KÜBEL
- Time-resolved molecular imaging
- Correlated ionization dynamics
- Few-cycle laser pulses, harmonic generation and interferometry
Prof. Dr. Jens LIMPERT
- Design of high-performance & short-pulse laser systems, Novel fiber designs
- Fiber-optical frequency conversion
- High repetition rate Attosecond-pulse generation and characterization
Prof. Dr. Stefan LORKOWSKI
- Uptake and intracellular transport of small molecules (nutrients, metabolites and drugs)
- Visualization of molecular processes in atherosclerosis
- Immune cells as therapeutic targets and biological read-out systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo MAPPES
History of Physics with focus on Science Communication
- Transferring historic optics concepts to recent applications in optics and photonics
- Reproducing, revisiting and interconnecting milestones in optics and photonics
- Science communication in optics and photonics
Clinical Spectroscopic Diagnostics
- Spectroscopic elucidation of pathogenesis mechanisms during difficult-to-treat infections
- Spectroscopic characterization of the host response during inflammation, infection and sepsis
- Characterization of drug-pathogen interactions to reveal phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility
Prof. Dr. Stefan NOLTE
- Material processing with ultrashort laser pulses
- 3D structuring inside transparent materials
- Linear and nonlinear optics in discrete systems
Jun. Prof. Dr. Andrea PANNWITZ
Molecular Light Energy Conversion
- Chemical synthesis of organic compounds and artificial photosynthesis
- Light-driven molecular catalysis
- Steady state and time resolved spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Gerhard PAULUS
- Quantum optics with single optical cycles
- Attosecond laser physics
- Nonlinear optics with vortex beams
Prof. Dr. Thomas PERTSCH
- Photonic nanomaterials and metamaterials
- Nanoplasmonics
- Nonlinear space-time dynamics
Prof. Dr. Ulf PESCHEL
- Integrated optics and nanophotonics
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Electromagnetic modelling
Dr. Adrian N. PFEIFFER
- Novel technology for attosecond science
- Time-resolved deep UV spectroscopy
- Strong-field driven electron dynamics
Prof. Dr. Jürgen POPP
- Raman spectroscopy for biomedical diagnostics (microbial analysis & cell and tissue diagnostics)
- Multimodal imaging
- Chip based analytics and diagnostics
- Hard x-rays from synchrotron sources
- Nucelar resonant scattering
- Spin and magnetization dynamics
Prof. Dr. Carsten RONNING
- Semiconductor nanowires
- Metasurfaces
- Photovoltaics
Dr. habil. Jan ROTHHARDT
X-ray Spectroscopy and Microscopy
- Laser-based short wavelength sources and spectroscopy
- Nanometer scale imaging techniques
- XUV spectroscopy of highly charged ions
Nonlinear Neuromorphic and Quantum Systems
- Optical computers
- Integrated quantum photonics
- Nanostructured photonic systems
Prof. Dr. Felix SCHACHER
- Self-assembly of macromolecules
- Synthesis & characterization of functional polymers
- Hierachical structures
Prof. Dr. Markus A. SCHMIDT
- Novel concepts in fiber optics (e.g. plasmonics, metamaterials)
- Nanophotonics
- Biophotonic fiber sensors
apl. Prof. Dr. Michael SCHMITT
- Non-linear multimodal microspectroscopy
- Raman- and resonance Raman spectroscopy
- Optical Pathology
- Mechanistic studies of light-driven chemical reactions
- Photocatalyst development
- Green hydrogen and solar energy
Prof. Dr. Ulrich SCHUBERT
Organic & Macromolecular Chemistry
- Chemical fabrication methods for photonic materials
- Nanolithograhy and Nanochemistry
- Block copolymer nanostructures
Jun. Prof. Dr. Giancarlo SOAVI
Ultrafast Optical Spectroscopy
- Optics of 2D materials
- Time-resolved spectroscopy
- Nonlinear optics
Prof. Dr. Christian SPIELMANN
- Generation of laser based coherent x-ray radiation
- High resolution x-ray microscopy
- Time resolved x-ray spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Isabelle STAUDE
- High-index dielectric nanoparticles
- Nanoantennas and hybrid quantum systems
- Functional metasurfaces
Experimental Quanum Information
- Nonlinear quantum optics
- High-dimensional quantum information processing
- Long-distance quantum communication
Prof. Dr. Ronny STOLZ
- Superconductivity,
- Experimental Quantum Technology
- Geophysical mineral exploration methods
- Magnetic, electromagnetic and gravimetric methods in Geophysics
Prof. Dr. Thomas STÖHLKER
Atomic Physics in Extreme Coulomb & Laser Fields
- x-ray spectroscopy, polarimetry & instrumentation
- Laser-based x-ray generation
- Strong field effects in the dynamics and structure of simple atomic systems at high-Z
- Thin film coatings for optical applications
- Technology research on novel ALD methods
- Resonant diffractive optical elements
Prof. Dr. Andreas TÜNNERMANN
- Design, manufacturing & characterization of advanced photonic systems (e.g. freeform optics)
- Diode pumped solid state lasers and amplifiers
- Laser - material interaction
Prof. Dr. Andrey TURCHANIN
Applied Physical Chemistry & Molecular Nanotechnology
- Emerging two-dimensional materials (graphene, carbon nanomembranes, MoS2, etc.) and their van der Waals heterostructures
- Nanolithography and ultramicroscopy
- Applications in electronic and optoelectronic devices
Prof. Dr.-Ing Lothar WONDRACZEK
- Topological origin of the properties of non-crystalline and glassy solids
- Characterization of glasses by optical and x-ray scattering techniques
- Development of new glass composites for optical applications
Prof. Dr. Matt ZEPF
- Strong Field Physics/QED
- Laser-driven particle acceleration
- Relativistic laser-plasma interactions