The ACP is directed by a board of four to five scientific directors, and one of them commissioned as executive director. The board of directors is elected each third year by the ACP members at the annual general meeting. ACP membership applications are regularly considered by the board of directors. The ACP's statute, put into effect in 2010 and updated in 2018, constitutes its legislative policies and regulations and is presently only available in German.
Download the ACP statutepdf, 263 kb · de
Regular ACP membership is open to FSU scientists with an individual research and/or education profile in the field of optics and photonics. Members who are professors, junior professors, or junior group leaders can be awarded the status of an "ACP principal scientist". Researchers from external institutions with strong links to optics and photonics but without FSU affiliation are invited to apply for an associated ACP membership. In 2019, the ACP board of directors has bindingly re-set the criteria for ACP memberships:
- leadership of a research group with significant overlap to optics and photonics,
- substantial independency within this leadership (e.g. a professorship, junior professorship or a comparable appointment),
- vision of joint collaborations with other ACP scientists and, by this means
- a scientific and/or added-value for the ACP.
Download the ACP membership applicationpdf, 202 kb · de