Quantum technology workshop at the ACP auditorium in 2021.


To promote strategic partnerships, the ACP research community sustains a dense network of partner universities, non-university research institutes, and industry partners.
Quantum technology workshop at the ACP auditorium in 2021.
Image: Jürgen Scheere (University of Jena)

Premium Partners in Research and Education

ACP strongly supports the transfer of fundamental research results to industrial applications. To promote strategic partnerships, the ACP research community sustains a dense network of partner universities, non-university research institutes, and industry partners.

Key data of the Jena photonics cluster in 2022, comprising academia and industry.

Graphic: OptoNet e.V. and Christian Helgert.

Academic Network in Germany 


Since 2018, ACP is co-coordinating one of the three prestigious Max Planck Schools, which were implemented by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as national networks of excellence with a sum of EUR 25 million and by the Fraunhofer-Society with an additional support of EUR 4 million. The Max Planck School of Photonics (MPSP)External link focuses the key strengths of the German photonics community and supports highly skilled young researchers on a world class level.

placeholder image — PhD work in the MPSP labs in Jena.

Image: Max Planck School of Photonics

International Academic Partner Network


The partnership between the Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics (CAS) External linkand ACP relies on a long-term exchange of people, ideas and workshops. Since 2016, the most excellent students from CIOMP are preselected to receive preferred slots in our Master program in Photonics.

Funded by the Excellence Initiative of the University of BordeauxExternal link, the Cluster of Excellence LAPHIA: Laser & Photonics in AquitaineExternal link aims to create a consortium around sciences of light - optics, photonics, lasers. The Aquitaine Region has brought together buisnesses and research scientists to create France's biggest regional laser-optics industry. Starting from 2018, ACP has become a premium partner in the Bordeaux International Support (BIS)External link program, facilitating student and staff exchanges.

Research Institute Partner Network