As part of our ACP, our integrated Abbe School of Photonics (ASP) offers comprehensive Master's degree and doctoral programs run by ACP members and associated professors. The ASP fellows receive training at an infrastructure of light sources, materials and instrumentation for cutting-edge research unique in several respects. One aspect is the organization and carrying out of workshops, seminars, colloquia, symposiums and lecture series which occurs throughout the entire year.
ASP career development scheme.
Graphic: Abbe School of PhotonicsMoreover, we conduct a great international guest professor program together with our guest researcher seminar. These not only provide an overview of top-level research, but also cover the broad spectrum of optics and photonics and associated material sciences, presented by internationally renowned speakers. This discipline-specific program is a part of the education curriculum of the Graduate Academy de of the Friedrich Schiller University, and is complemented by international exchange programs and skill workshops. Thus, ASP aims to prepare its Master's degree and doctoral students for their future careers within and outside of academia and for excelling in today's global society.
Master's degree candidates
- Master's degree candidates are invited to apply via ASP's Online Application Portal. Each application will be individually considered by an evaluation committee, and the candidates with the greatest prospective for successful studies at ASP will selected for admission. Moreover, scholarships of currently 934 EUR/month and for up to 24 months are available for the most excellent applicants. For more information, please consider the description of ASP's Master's degree program.
Doctoral students / PhD candidates
- Doctoral candidates may likewise apply via the Online Application PortalExternal link. ASP is permanently offering open positions for doctoral studies. Moreover, please feel free to contact each individual ACP principal scientist who is directly responsible for a specific topic of your interest at any time! For general information on the doctoral program, please consider ASP's doctoral program's website.
Postdoctoral fellows / Marie Sklodowska-Curie individual fellows
- Generally, individuals interested in postdoctoral or research staff positions at the Abbe Center of Photonics are invited to contact any ACP principal scientist directly. Moreover, ACP offers strong help in supporting your application in many of the German funding schemes for research-exchange and postdoctoral fellowships.