Fictious quantum lab envisioned by AI.

Join ACP and QPhoton as a Junior Group Leader in Quantum Photonics!

We are offering the great opportunity of a new Junior Research Group in Quantum Photonics within our CZS QPhoton center! The new leader will establish his/her own research group, to start in 2025.
Fictious quantum lab envisioned by AI.
Image: AI-generated
  • Light

Published: | By: Christian Helgert

This Junior Research Group will be funded by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung and will be located at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. In a widely open-topic approach at the interface of modern photonics and quantum science, the group can be focused either on experimental or theoretical topics. Depending on its eventual topical alignment, the new Junior Research Group will be associated to the Institute of Applied Physics ( and/or the Abbe Center of Photonics ( A strong collaboration with the local Fraunhofer Institute of Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (www.iof.fraunhofer.deExternal link) is also encouraged. The appointee is expected to establish an independent research profile and scientific excellence. Topics to be covered may include, but are not limited to:

  • Photonic systems and integration for quantum control and quantum information processing.
  • Quantum information processing methods and algorithms for data analysis, quantum-based network architectures, quantum communication and/or quantum computation.

To apply, please read the original announcement at link and follow all instructions given there. 

Andreas Tünnermann, Prof. Dr
Director of the Institute
Applied Physics
IAP, Room 309
Albert-Einstein-Straße 15
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link
Christian Helgert, Dr
Abbe Center of Photonics
Abbe Center of Photonics, Room 205
Albert-Einstein-Straße 6
07745 Jena Google Maps site planExternal link