Group picture at the CZS QPhoton Meeting in Ulm 2023.

Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center for Quantum Photonics

The first transregional center for quantum photonics at the universities of Jena, Stuttgart and Ulm offers around 50 scientists a cross-disciplinary and cross-location platform for research and exchange.
Group picture at the CZS QPhoton Meeting in Ulm 2023.
Image: University of Ulm.

Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Logo

Picture: Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung.

The CZS Center QPhoton is supported by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung with EUR 12 Mio spanning over the three locations, and from 2022 until 2027. For more information, please contact: 

Details, goals and recent activities of the CZS Center QPhoton are also shown at: https://qphoton.deExternal link

Specific activities of the CZS Center QPhoton at the Jena location are also highlighted below: 

QPhoton Innovation Projects

QuBIT.EDU-Conference in Stuttgart 2023.

Image: Karin Otter, University of Stuttgart.

QPhoton Innovation Projects are designed as "seed projects" that work to strengthen the cross-location relationship within the CZS Center QPhoton, address the development of novel, location-independent competencies and, among other goals, create a foundation for further competitiveness in national and international funding schemes. Each QPhoton Innovation Project should lead ideally to joint publications such that a collaborating record for future joint applications can be shown to exist.

All running QPhoton Innovation Projects are detailed here.

QPhoton Professorship for Experimental Quantum Information in Jena

Prof. Fabian Steinlechner is working at his Lab at Beutenberg Campus.

Image: Ira Winkler

Since 2023, the Experimental Quantum Information professorship of Fabian Steinlechner is supported within the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung Center for Quantum Photonics (CZS Center QPhoton)with 1.7 Mio EUR. The Steinlechner group conducts applied research in the field of quantum communication and photonic quantum information processing. Working in close collaboration with partners in academia and industry they aim to bridge the gap between fundamental quantum research and real-world applications. Fabian Steinlechner's research focuses on novel quantum light sources for applications in quantum communication and sensing, efficient processing and detection schemes for high-dimensional quantum information, as well as scalable methods for the transmission of quantum states over long distances. A central goal is to incorporate photonic quantum technology in robust, field-deployable hardware systems that are suitable for integration in future quantum networks, long-distance atmospheric free-space links, and ultimately satellite-based quantum key distribution sytems.

QPhoton Board of Directors

Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Prof. Andreas TÜNNERMANN

Executieve director CZS Center QPhoton
Phone: +49 3641-9-47800

Prof. Joachim Ankerhold, University of Ulm.

Image: University of Ulm

Prof. Joachim ANKERHOLD

Co-director CZS Center QPhoton
Phone: +49 731 50-22831 link

Prof. Tilman Pfau, University of Stuttgart.

Image: University of Stuttgart

Prof. Tilman PFAU

Co-director CZS Center QPhoton
Phone: +49 711 685 68025
www.pi5.uni-stuttgart.deExternal link


QPhoton Executive Board

The QPhoton Executive Board meets regularly to decide on the strategic measures of the Center, including funding vor internal high-risk seed projects and appointment of junior research group leaders. The Board consists of the three directors (see above) plus the following faculty:

Prof. Dr. Jens ANDERS

Image: University of Stuttgart

Prof. Jens ANDERS

Director of the Institute for Smart Sensors Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685-67250 link

Prof. Dr. Stefanie BARZ

Image: University Stuttgart

Prof. Stefanie BARZ

Director of Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 685 61556
www.barzgroup.deExternal link

Stefanie GRÄFE

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Prof. Stefanie GRÄFE

Co-Director of the Abbe Center of Photonics, Jena
Phone: +49 3641-9-48330

Prof. Dr. Christof GEBHARDT

Image: University Ulm

Prof. Christof GEBHARDT

Director of the Institute of Biophysics Ulm
Phone: +49 731 50-23750 link

Jürgen Popp

Image: Private

Prof. Jürgen POPP

Co-Director of the Abbe Center of Photonics, Director of the Leibniz IPHT Jena
Phone: +49 3641-9-48320



Prof. Dr. Fedor JELEZKO

Image: University Ulm

Prof. Fedor JELEZKO 

Director of the Institute of Quantum Optics Ulm
Phone: +49 731/50-23750
www.quantenoptik.deExternal link    

  • Minister Theresia Bauer (2nd from the right) is handing over the funding cheque to Prof. Dr. Manfred Bischoff (2nd on the left), Prof. Dr. Tilman Pfau (left) und Prof. Dr. Joachim Ankerhold (right). Stuttgart, 2022
    Image: Jan Potente/Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung
    Opening ceremony 2022 of the CZS Center QPhoton in Stuttgart/Ulm...
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